“To listen and respect the earth and the phases of the moon, just as the ancients taught us”


Hortulanus is located a few meters from the charming village of Seggiano, in a precious corner of southern Tuscany, protected by Amiata and cradled by the nearby Val d’Orcia. It is here that the Steinberg family has found the ideal place to turn a dream into reality. Coherent with its philosophy of life, respectful of the environment and biodiversity, the Steinbergs want to continue the path already taken by the previous owners, developing at the same time new methods of cultivation, even more respectful of the balance between heaven and earth.
So Hortulanus, which has the face of a territory marked by quality agriculture and a strictly biological soul, is today a place that speaks of genuineness and natural products with an incredibly unique taste. Our oil: Hortulanus Jill Georges, Dop product of Olivastra Seggianese is the fruit of precious olives, lovingly worked and jealously kept in ancient olive groves.
The products of the garden, available to our guests, follow the rhythm of the seasons, preserving the simplest and rarest tastes. In small steps, and thanks to an original method of cultivation, the production chain has also been extended to the manufacturing of quality wines.
Since January 2016 four new wines have been sold exclusively with natural fermentation, which speak of nature and express, with simplicity, the true tastes of this land.